Two young children stumble upon a portal to the world of Faeries. As they explore this space, they mistakenly stumble into the territory of the Winter Queen. She does not take so kindly to visitors...
Two young children stumble upon a portal to the world of Faeries. As they explore this space, they mistakenly stumble into the territory of the Winter Queen. She does not take so kindly to visitors...
Two young children stumble upon a portal to the world of Faeries. As they explore this space, they mistakenly stumble into the territory of the Winter Queen. She does not take so kindly to visitors...
Two young children stumble upon a portal to the world of Faeries. As they explore this space, they mistakenly stumble into the territory of the Winter Queen. She does not take so kindly to visitors...
A commissioned work for an action scene. A stadium of people gets magically put to sleep by a monster of shadows. He tries to capture and kill a young boy called Lorcan, but he is saved just in time by a mysterious mage.
A commissioned work for an action scene. A stadium of people gets magically put to sleep by a monster of shadows. He tries to capture and kill a young boy called Lorcan, but he is saved just in time by a mysterious mage.
A commissioned work for an action scene. A stadium of people gets magically put to sleep by a monster of shadows. He tries to capture and kill a young boy called Lorcan, but he is saved just in time by a mysterious mage.
A commissioned work for an action scene. A stadium of people gets magically put to sleep by a monster of shadows. He tries to capture and kill a young boy called Lorcan, but he is saved just in time by a mysterious mage.
The initial thumbnails for the animation project Perfect Blend. It follows a young girl that tries to ask out a guy with a cup of coffee.
The initial thumbnails for the animation project Perfect Blend. It follows a young girl that tries to ask out a guy with a cup of coffee.
About me
Hi, I'm Mitchie de Ruiter
I'm an enthusiastic, digital artist from the Netherlands! I enjoy working in Project Management, Concept Art, Character Design, Storyboarding and Animation.
I'm a student at AKV st Joost (Breda, the Netherlands), studying Illustrated and Animated Storytelling.
Click the button below if you want to learn more about who I am.